Psalm 23

“He restores my soul” -Psalm 23:3, NKJV

Restoration implies that something is not how it should be, hence the need to bring it back to the way it is meant to be. Restoration is necessary when something has been stolen or lost. When it is received, it needs to be restored.

The soul consists of our mind- Reasoning, our will-choices and decisions, and our emotions-feeling and human responses.

When God made us, he programmed in us his way of reasoning, the ability to make choices that are in alignment with his will. He made our will susceptible to his and he gave us the ability to control our emotions. When we got here, everything got messed up. Our thoughts became of our flesh, our will became independent to him and our emotions gained control over us.

Now when we accept Jesus as our good shepherd, he begins to reprogram us. As we study his word, he renews our mind, the spirit of God which is a gift from our good shepherd begins to mold us again; he starts with our will- teaching us to choose to do God’s will by helping us see that even the wisest of our decisions and choices and plans it fail in comparison to God’s.

He leads us until we regain control over our flesh- emotions.

The good shepherd will restore you to how God intended for you to function. As you follow his directions, he will restore your peace of mind, he will teach you to let go and trust God and he will take away the anxiety, the pain, the hurt, and you will be whole again.

The good shepherd will restore your soul.

At CONNECT WOMEN our mandate is to nurture women to be strong, purposeful and passionate.

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